(It's been a very long time since I've posted anything in this blog, but I felt that the blog itself was empty, uninteresting, and uninspiring to both me and readers.
I've hence decided to revitalize it as a blog more concerned with my thoughts (think of it as a public diary if you will). Anyhow, onto today's topic:)
Relationships, Effort, and Distance
As someone who moved to study in the UK a couple of years back, and who doesn't spend many summers here in Finland anymore, I've watched how I've made new friends, lost contact with old ones, reconnected with a few old friends, removing others from my life. The process is painful and frustrating: I guess you could compare it to growing a bunch of saplings, and failing to invest enough time to care for each one as the number of saplings grow, resulting in some dying of thirst.
This past summer, I've tried my best to mend some of these broken connections, but now I wonder, should one even try? The time spent away from your friends back home creates a gap between you and them, while the fact that the rapid pressure to mature up while abroad will probably change you. Your old pals evolve too, and naturally find new circles, different interests, while you slowly lose touch with each other.Japanese animation director called the speed at which people move away from each other emotionally to be at 5 centimeters per second. Multiply that by 18 months, and add the physical distance, and you've got yourself quite a big chasm to get across.
Even the new friendships that you make back home can't be properly established as you're only around for a couple of months before moving back to a completely different environment. Yet even with these tattered remains, I still feel that I can truly be myself back home: the relaxed, down-to-earth, and honest manner that epitomizes Finnish society is something that I really miss abroad. I won't deny that I've had more moments of regret than I'd care to have, but now that I'm older, I realize that I must live with my decisions and make the most out of them.
That's all for today, folks, this won't be a regular thing anymore, but we'll see how it goes.
maanantai 20. elokuuta 2012
Lähetä kommentteja (Atom)
VastaaPoistaWhile I agree with you overall, there's some room for discussion in this. If you meet some new people and engange in small talk (which is what most of us do in the UK now), we know that the opposite side is not being sincerely interested, just trying to keep the flow going. At least, that's how I feel when I go to bar nights lol
Man, Cheer up! It always feels like hopleless, as we cannot see the end. But when we get to the destination, we could find the answers to all these questions. It is not as hard as we used to thought. Life is random, it is kind of compromise....That is what i think...= =
VastaaPoistaBTW...It seems I find another girl friend...= =
& I don't know how to use this web, as it is full of Finnish. That is struggling!